Stuart SMP50 | Automatic Melting Point Determination Device

All units are supplied with a calibration certificate showing their serial number for factory traceability. The SMP50 also complies with Pharmacopoeia and GLP.

Number of Samples 3 simultaneous
Operating Temperature Range Room temperature - 400 °C
Temperature Resolution 0.1 °C
Display 7 inch HD color
Ramp rates 0.1 - 20°C in 0.1°C increments
Temperature Sensor PT 1000 Platinum resistance
Memory 8 GB (about 300 results with video)
Cooling Time (350 - 50°C) ~12 minutes
Warm-up Time (50 - 350°C) ~ 6 minutes
Temperature Control Closed loop PID
Data transfer USB Flash drive
Sample Level 2-3 mm to 50 mm or 100 mm long capillaries
Electric supply 120V 230V, 50-60Hz
Temperature Unit °C or °F
Dimensions (h x d x w) 164 x 360 x 300 mm
Net Weight 4.6 kg
Languages ​​English, French

Product Codes Description
SMP50 Automatic melting point analyzer
SMP50/IQOQ Automatic melting point analyzer with IQ / OQ documentation
SMP2/1 Glass melting point tubes, sealed at both ends, pack of 100
SMP10/1 Glass melting point tubes, one end closed, pack of 100
Melting point calibration kit, three melting point standards approved by WHO. It consists of caffeine, vanillin and sulfanilamide purity certificates.

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