R2 Agar

R2 Agar

It is a solid medium used for the analysis of heterotrophic total bacteria in drinking water in standard microbiological analyzes performed in vitro [outside the living cell].

It can be used in spreading, pouring and membrane filtration methods.

Thanks to its low nutrient content, low incubation temperature and long incubation period, it is particularly suitable for the detection of stressed and chlorine-resistant bacteria in drinking water.

Thanks to its low concentration of yeast extract, casein hydrolyzate, peptone and glucose content, fast growing bacteria are prevented from suppressing slow growing ones and allow a large number of bacteria to grow.

Starch and pyruvate especially support the development of damaged bacteria more quickly.

If the incubation will be longer than 3 days, it is recommended to incubate Petri dishes by wrapping them in kitchen-type cling film.

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