MYP Agar (Bacillus Cereus)

MYP Agar ( Bacillus Cereus)

The medium inoculated by the smear method at 35C + -2C for 24-40 hours

is incubated. Colonies with red color and ring-shaped precipitation [zone] are considered as B. oereus.

After the food sample to be analyzed is diluted 1:10, necessary dilutions are made and inoculated on the selected selective medium by spreading method.

Sowing is made from serial dilutions prepared from raw milk, usually between 1/100 and '1/'100000, direct in liquid foods with low B. cereus number, and 1/1O dilutions in solid or semi-solid foods.

Petri dishes, which are incubated for 24 hours at 35C after sowing, are kept at room temperature for another 24 hours after being removed from the oven.

Selective media of choice for B. cereus analysis were developed to identify two typical reactions of B. cereus, lecitinase activity and mannitol fermentation. Bacillus cereus reproduces in the medium as colonies with a rough surface and a precipitation zone around it due to lecitinase activity.

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