EMB Agar

EMB Agar

It is used as a selective solid medium for the isolation and differentiation of E.coli and other Enterobacter species and for rapid identification of Candida albicans.

The dyes in the composition suppress the growth of many Gram-positive bacteria.

Coagulase-positive staphylococci grow to form characteristic colorless, pinhead-sized colonies, and the coagulase test can be applied to them.

In coliform group bacteria analysis, Petri dishes inoculated by smear or smear are incubated erobically at 35°C for 1-2 days, while Candida analysis is performed in 10% CO2 atmosphere.

Escherichia coli ; 2-3 mm diameter, metallic green luster, dark and black center

Enterobacter; Diameter 4-6 mm, gray-brown center

Salmonella and Shigella ; Clear, amber colored

Coagulase positive staphylococci; Colorless, pinhead sized

Candida albicans; Spider-like or hairy

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