What Should We Consider When Choosing Micropipette?

When choosing a micropipette, it is necessary to first look at which liquids to work with.

All of the micropipettes in the standard market work according to the principle of Air Displacement, that is, by creating negative pressure with the exchange of air, and pulling the desired volume.

In such pipettes, it is not very convenient to draw liquids such as honey with high viscosity or blood with low viscosity.

In addition, the desired performance will not be achieved when working with liquids that evaporate easily.

In the study of such liquids, different pipettes and syringe tips, which we call Positive Displacement, should be preferred.

Another important issue in the use of micropipettes with Air Displacement is how important it is in your sterilization and contamination studies.

According to the answer to this question, sterile and filtered special pipette tips should be preferred.

What is Air Displacement Micropipette?

Pipettes of 2ul, 10ul, 100ul, 1000ul, etc. types that you use in your laboratories as standard, ensure that the liquid in the volume we set is drawn to the pipette tip by making negative pressure, that is, reverse pressure, with air exchange.

What is Positive Displacement Micropipette?

If you are working with chemicals with low or high viscosity and easily volatile, and aggressive solvents, you should use the pipettes under this heading.

These pipettes allow the desired volumes to be drawn and transferred directly with special syringe tips without drawing air into them.

Why is Pipette Ergonomics Important?

One of the most important issues when buying a pipette is the finger force to be applied while pipetting.

The more force you use, the longer it is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

If we briefly explain CTS, it is a median nerve compression. It is known to cause conditions such as numbness, pain sensation and weakness in your hand.

Is the Micropipette Working at the Correct Volume?

Micropipettes, which appear as a very simple laboratory equipment, can cause very serious problems if not paid attention and care.

In a study that you prepared using a micropipette, if the volumes you want are not studied exactly, all your results may be wrong.

Inaccurate results may be obtained due to uncertainties arising from the micropipette.

For this reason, the repetition of studies may cause serious loss of time, as well as serious economic losses due to the use of reusable materials or incorrect, erroneous results.

Micropipettes must have a very good balance of Accuracy and Sensitivity. (Precision and Accuracy)

In order to achieve this, it is necessary to use the right pipettes with the right liquids, to choose the appropriate pipette tips, and most importantly, to perform the periodic maintenance and calibration of the pipettes.

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